How Do I Select a Theme in Transferology?

This article overviews the three display themes in Transferology® and how to apply and change between them. The themes are Light, Dark, and High Contrast.

What are Light, Dark, and High Contrast Mode?

These are themes that can be set within Transferology that change the way colors and text appear on the reader's screen. Each mode is designed to enhance readability and create greater accessibility under certain conditions. 

Light mode is the default theme in Transferology. Within this mode, dark text appears on a light background

Screensheet of the Courses tab within the Will My Courses Transfer path when viewed through Light mode.

Dark mode is beneficial within low-light settings. This mode displays light text on a dark background:

Screensheet of the Courses tab within the Will My Courses Transfer path when viewed through Dark mode.

High Contrast mode helps those with low vision see Transferology more clearly through the use of darker text and solid outlines and boxes.

Screensheet of the Courses tab within the Will My Courses Transfer path when viewed through High Contrast mode.

Autodetect and Apply a Theme

When a computer, mobile device, or tablet browser uses a light or dark theme, Transferology will autodetect and apply that theme upon login for the duration of the session. High Contrast mode will need to be applied manually (see below).

If browser settings are adjusted while logged into Transferology, the theme in the application will automatically update to a light or dark theme unless a theme has already been selected during the session. In this case, the theme set within Transferology will be used.

Manually Select or Change a Theme

To manually apply a theme, or change to a different theme within Transferology, follow the steps below.

  1. Log into Transferology.
  2. Select the profile icon in the top right corner.

Callout illustrates location of profile icon to the right of the Find a Replacement Course path.

  1. Select Edit Profile.
  2. Choose Select Theme.

Select Theme tab.

  1. Select the desired theme's name: Light, Dark, or High Contrast.
    • A checkmark will appear within the circle of the theme selected. 
  2. Select Change theme.
    • A notification will indicate that the theme has been updated, and the page will be reloaded.

The theme will apply until the browser is closed or until logging out of Transferology. Repeat the steps above to select a theme upon the next use of Transferology.

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