Incident History

This article contains information regarding scheduled maintenance, noted performance issues, and system outages in Transferology®.

Reporting An Issue

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  1. Select the Help & Feedback button on any page within Transferology.
  2. Select Contact Transferology.
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Incidents and Outages

Date & Time Description Resolution Status


5:14 p.m. - 5:38 p.m. ET

Transferology was unavailable for 24 minutes due to a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack. The offending user's IP address was blocked. Fixed


5:39 a.m. - 5:42 a.m. ET

Transferology was unavailable for 3 minutes due to an error that caused the web container to fail to restart. The web container was restarted manually. Fixed


5:50 a.m. - 6:20 a.m. ET

Transferology was unavailable for 30 minutes due to the index not copying properly. The index was reloaded. Fixed
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