How Do I Get Help within Transferology?

This article overviews the support resources available within Transferology®. These resources can be used to reach out to a college or CollegeSource, the makers of Transferology, for help or to find answers to questions about how to use Transferology.

Help & Feedback Button

Select the Help & Feedback button on any page within Transferology® to access support resources:

Help & Feedback button

Depending on the page being viewed, there will be up to four options to select from:

  1. Contact a School
  2. Search Help Documents
  3. Contact Transferology
  4. Provide Feedback

Help & Feedback button options, as described below.

Contact a School

Need help understanding how courses transfer to an institution? Want to request information regarding advising, a campus visit, admissions, financial aid, veteran's resources, or programs? Reach out to the institution for help and information.

  1. Select Help & Feedback.
  2. Select Contact a School.
  3. If viewing the school's profile, the Request Information pop-up will appear.
  4. If not viewing the school's profile, the Select a school to contact pop-up will appear.
    • Use the Select a state drop-down to choose the state the school is located in.
    • Use the Select a school drop-down to choose the school name. 
      • Tip: Navigate through the list of states and schools more quickly by selecting the first letter of the name with the keyword.
    • The Request Information pop-up will appear.

If the institution selected does not provide data to Transferology®, a notification will indicate that the college or university cannot be contacted using the site. Contact the institution directly with questions.

Notification reads: The school you have selected does not provide data to Transferology and cannot be contacted using our site. Contact them directly if you have questions.

Get answers to questions within the collection of help docs:

  1. Select Help & Feedback.
  2. Select Search Help Documents.
  3. Use the scrollbar or the keyword search to locate an article:

Using the scrollbar:

  • Select the title.
  • Read the article in the pane or select the pop-out icon to open it in a new browser tab.

Callout illustrates location of pop-out icon

Using the keyword search:

  • Enter the keyword(s) into the search box.
  • Select Enter (or the Search Finder).

A callout illustrates the location of the keyword search. Articles containing or matching those keywords will appear. Use the scroll bar to view the list of relevant articles.

Contact Transferology®

Need additional assistance navigating Transferology? Reach out for help. CollegeSource can help with questions about Transferology; however, questions about how courses transfer should be directed to colleges.

  1. Select Help & Feedback.
  2. Select Contact Transferology.
  3. Fill out the form:
    1. Name, Subject, Email address, How can we help?
    2. Upload an attachment (optional).
  4. Select Send a message.

Form used to contact Transferology. Fields are described above.

The Contact Us form can also be used to reach CollegeSource, the makers of Transferology.

Provide Feedback

To provide feedback to Transferology®:

  1. Select Help & Feedback.
  2. Select Provide Feedback.
  3. Answer the prompts, or navigate between pages/questions using the down arrow.
  4. Select Submit.

After selecting Provide Feedback, the user is presented with a series of questions. In this example, the user is asked how they would rate Transferology. Options are: Like it, Neutral, Don't Like It.


Review the list of frequently asked questions in the F.A.Q. Get answers to questions like: 
  • What is Transferology?
  • How do I use Transferology?
  • I found matches for my courses, but I don't really understand what they mean? 

To close Help & Feedback, select the X. If an X does not appear, reselect the button.

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